Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The rest of October 2016 featuring Brad's blue checkered shirt.

Do not fret.  The following pictures have more in common than just the month they were taken.  You guessed it, the common link is that Brad appears to be wearing the same shirt on both of the days when the pictures were taken.  Incredible.  Ha.

Another Halloween, another small pumpkin.  The Chase family (Brad and Bridget Chase family) tradition continues.  (See this post for 2015's small pumpkins.)  I believe this and another small pumpkin were purchased at Trader Joes.  Pretty sure we never ended up carving these ones on account of being too busy.  But they still sat on our stoop and made us look at least a little festive.  Also, that is my hand holding the pumpkin.
Then we went to Nicole and Shane's gorgeous wedding!  So glad we got to go!

And last but not precious husband.  Here's the proof that Brad's shirt is the link between the wedding and the pumpkin.  Also, what a trooper for going to a wedding where he didn't know a soul.  :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sports in October 2016

While contemplating the content of this post, I thought about reverting back to the 2015 year in review style of one post covering a month.  But I decided against it probably mostly for the sake of consistency.  Meaning the rest of the 2016 posts weren't like that so why should these ones be?  But to try and power through the rest of 2016, I will combine a few events per post.  But don't worry...they're related.  Not very closely, but related nonetheless.  For example this post is about events in October that have to do with sports.  Genius.  Ha.

We begin with a photo of cute Jim at his soccer game on a Saturday in October.  My parents were out of town so I got to take him.  This is proof that I did my job.  :)
This picture was not taken in October 2016, but probably sometime in 1998 or so.  I was in second grade so older than Jim was in his picture.  But it was on my phone camera roll right above Jim's so I thought I'd include it for posterity.  This was the only year I ever played soccer.  The team was called the Polar Bears.  I distinctly remember voting for our team name and I voted for the Oreos.  You must admit, that name much better matched our colors.  Fun fact: I thought that the ball had to touch the net of the goal to be considered a goal.  False.

Fast forward a few weeks from Jim's soccer game and we went to Utah for Brad's grandpa's funeral.  While we were there we also went to the Mississippi State @ BYU game.  BYU won in double overtime.  Definitely got our money's worth.  I'll admit I had to look back at the game summary to figure out who we played and how we won.  While doing so I watched the highlights...boy, I miss exciting BYU football games.  Here's hoping to 2018 is a lot better than 2017 as far as BYU football is concerned.  :)  

Monday, January 15, 2018

The rest of September 2016

And here's the rest of the notable pictures taken in the month of September in the year 2016.  By the way, I think I like using extra-large pictures instead of large.  Feel free to tell me your opinion on the subject.

My good friend, Nicole, had her bridal shower!  Fun to catch up with people I hadn't seen in forever.

And then the Dodgers had a walk-off win against the Giants.  And we reacted in the above way.  

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Labor Day 2016

The post you've been waiting for...what Bridget was doing on Labor Day 2016...  Feast your eyes.  :)

We hung out poolside at the beach was very sunny.

The whole fam came...including Jim and Justin...such a special kid.

Your fave couple :)

Monday, January 8, 2018

Birthday 2016

And then it was my birthday!  Birthdays sure our great.  Two days before my birthday, Brad and I went to a Dodger day game, sat in better seats than normal, and took a few pictures including the following:


My actual birthday started by me dropping my phone into the lovely.  I let it dry in some rice...and it eventually worked decently well.  Well enough that I didn't get a new phone for a long while (meaning probably about 6+ months).  After that mishap, my mom took me out to breakfast at Marmalade Cafe where I got some delicious agua fresca with the cutest tiniest slice of watermelon in it.  Side note: why are girls (or at least myself) obsessed with tiny things?  Is it a evolutionary survival mechanism used to get them to like babies and thus keep them alive?  Anyway, after that, we picked up Jim from school and went to see the Venice canals.  It was pretty fun to walk around.  Very picturesque, but a little stinky.  But how fun would it to be to have a little house on the canal?  Here's some pictures:

Jim and me on one of the many bridges.

A selfie with the flowers
 And then the fam sang to me and we enjoyed some delicious pudding desert which is way better than cake.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hanging with the girls.

And since you are all dying to know what I did at the end of August 2016, here you go.

After Jim started school, my mom had all sorts of time on her hands.  Okay...not all sorts of time, but at least a few more hours.  I wasn't working at that point either, so one day Mom, Carrie, and I went on a nice walk along some of the cliffs in Palos Verdes.  I had heard there was a lighthouse.  And I'm a fan of lighthouses.  Why?  Not exactly sure, but I really like them.  And I love easy walks around the ocean.  So gorgeous.  Here's some pictures.

There it is!

View looking the other direction (north I believe)

The next day my mom and I managed to get this dresser from the seller's apartment, into the suburban, and then into our apartment.  Quite the feat.  Here's the picture to prove it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Jim's first ever day of school.

So...I don't have any kids...  Thus, I will post about Jim.  Back when he started kindergarten (August 2016) I wasn't working, so I went to drop him off at school with my mom.  And isn't he the cutest ever?!